Online List Diff Tool

This online tool compares and computes various operations on two input lists of words, numbers, etc. in any web browser. The tool works on a line-by-line basis and outputs formatted results based on your parameters.

List Operations

Count Duplicates — Count the number of occurrences for each value, get a list of unique values
De-Duplicate List — Remove duplicates from each of the lists and return the resulting list
Set Differences — Values only contained in List A (A-B), values only contained in List B (B-A)
Set Operations — Values of A also in B (A AND B), a unique list of all values in both lists (A OR B)
Random Elements Selection — Get a predefined number of random values from any list on the page


Enter or Copy and Paste your lists into textboxes labeled List A & List B, then click the Calculate Results button to perform all results with option parameters applied.

Need more info about the tool? Check out the FAQ!

List A


List B




Values in A


Values in B


Deduped A Values


Deduped B Values


Values Only in A

Values contained in List A but not in List B

Values Only in B

Values contained in List B but not in List A

List A AND B

Values contained in both List A & List B

List A OR B

All values contained in both List A and List B




Originally, I created this tool selfishly because I was constantly having to compare lists for my job and I got sick of doing it in Python/Microsoft Excel. It also was a fun project for me to dabble in web development (The site is definitely not perfect... I am still learning about responsive web design 😃). My hope is that the tool can help others to do the list comparisons that I was frequently having to do. Enjoy!


Sets - A set is the mathematical model for a collection of different things; a set contains elements or members, which can be mathematical objects of any kind: numbers, symbols, points in space, lines, other geometrical shapes, variables, or even other sets. The set with no element is the empty set; a set with a single element is a singleton. A set may have a finite number of elements or be an infinite set. Two sets are equal if they have precisely the same elements. [Source]

Union (OR) - In set theory, the union (denoted by ∪) of a collection of sets is the set of all elements in the collection. [Source]

Intersection (AND) - In set theory, the intersection of two sets A and B, denoted by A ∩ B is the set containing all elements of A that also belong to B or equivalently, all elements of B that also belong to A. [Source]

Difference - If A and B are sets, then the the set difference of B and A, is the set of elements in B but not in A. [Source]

Set Differences
Venn Diagram Showing the difference between List A & List B Venn Diagram Showing the difference between List B & List A
Set Operations
Venn Diagram Showing the intersection of List A & List B Venn Diagram Showing the union of List A & List B

Ignore Case — Ignore character case while calculating the above results (i.e. A=a, B=b, C=c, etc.) also called a case-insensitive comparison

Ignore Excess Whitespace — Combines multiple spaces into a single space and trims spaces off the beginning and end of lines

Convert Case — Changes the character casing of the output in the results

List Statistics — Character count, character count excluding whitespace word count, line count, distinct line count, case-insensitive distinct line count, empty line count

Sorting Options — Two different kinds of sorting: ascending or descending. Sorting can be applied through the options panel or individually through the button on each result box

Clear List — Clears the list associated with the button

Copy Text — Copies the text associated with the button. For the Count Duplicates copy buttons, the copied text is formatted as a CSV. You can then paste the information into Microsoft Excel or a similar application.

Conversion Example (Online List Diff Tool)
No Change Online List Diff Tool
Lower Case online list diff tool
Sentence Case Online list diff tool
Capital Case Online List Diff Tool
Title Case Online List Diff Tool
Random Case online lisT dIff tOol
Alternate Case OnLiNe lIsT DiFf tOoL

Character Count Line Count
Character Count (Ignoring Whitespace) Distinct Line Count
Word Count Distinct Line Count (Case-insensitive)
Empty Line Count

Privacy Notice

Data passed into the tool is secure because it's processed exclusively by the Javascript within your browser on your device only. Data is never sent nor stored on any external device or web server. For more information check out our Privacy Policy.